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Sponsored by Raj Mangat at Laing+Simmons
100% volunteer run
Sponsored by Raj Mangat at Laing+Simmons • 100% volunteer run • Not-for-profit •
We’re here to help you thrive
Kaur Sports can help connect you with social sport groups, learn new skills, and even compete. We are a Sikh-value led organisation that focuses on seva and chardi kala! We cater to brown women of all ages - with our comprehensive guided resources, we can unearth renewed confidence and help you thrive as an active and healthy member of society!
Interested in a sport not listed? Tell us when you join!
Get unlimited access to our full suite of health and fitness resources catered to brown women when you become a member.
Powerlifting • Volleyball • Boxing • Basketball • Netball • Running •
What our amazing women are doing in sport
First female Powerlifting event at the Sikh Games
Stay inspired with helpful tips, stories, and news.
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Explore memberships & class packs
Social Member
This is the best membership for joining social play teams and activities. You will also have access to health and fitness resources and seminars catered towards brown women.
Fitness Member
Monthly access to our growing library of group fitness classes.
Competitive Member
Starting from $40/mo
Monthly access to our growing library of competitive sports teams, training, and competitive events. Price varies across sports.
Skill Learning
Access to our growing library of physical and mental skill classes.